Greetings from the mountains
Greetings from the mountains

I am an IT professional with a love of electronics - anything new, old, and everything in between. I have been a full time Fedora Linux user since 2015 with version 22, though my roots are in Debian. My interests include wireless networking, VPN’s, virtualization, automation, and open source software.

This blog, as I originally envisioned, will contain a lot of walk through/tutorial content. It’s good for me to get my notes typed up and organized, but I’m also hoping this content will be helpful to others like so many existing blogs have been for me. There will most likely also be talk about projects I’m working on and any relevant thoughts on IT matters.

Beyond electronics and computers, I am also very interested in music, SW/MW/FM radio, hiking, baking, and still very much dig rollerblading. If there is anything exciting to mention from those areas you may see a post about them as well.